Belgrade Airport to Kuklen Taxi Transfer

Taxi transportation service all around Bulgaria and abroad. Private taxi transfer from Belgrade Airport to Kuklen. Safe & comfortable travel from Belgrade Airport to Kuklen or from Kuklen to Belgrade Airport by car, minivan, van or minibus. VIP transfers between Belgrade Airport and Kuklen.

BOOK a Private Taxi Transfer from Belgrade Airport to Kuklen or from Kuklen to Belgrade Airport.

Fast & Quality Taxi-Transfers Booking service in Bulgaria and abroad!

You can fast & easy book a taxi transfer from Belgrade Airport to Kuklen and from any hotel in Kuklen to Belgrade Airport!

Just trust our professionalism!


We offer transport with different vehicles - 4+1 passenger car, 6+1 minivan, 8+1 van, 16+1 minibus, as well as large buses.

Our car fleet consists of different types, brands and models of cars, for a safe and comfortable journey.

We also have luxury cars to provide VIP transfers for you or your guests.

Private Taxi Transfer by Car 4+1

Car 4+1

Private Taxi Transfer by Minivan 6+1

Minivan 6+1

Private Taxi Transfer by Minibus 8+1

Minibus 8+1

Private Taxi Transfer by Minibus 16+1

Minibus 16+1


You are interesting - How much is the cost of a transfer from Belgrade Airport to Kuklen?

The price of the transport is determined depending on the vehicle you need for the transfer from Belgrade Airport to Kuklen

The price also depends on the brand and model of the car, as well as the comfort you wish to have during your trip.

We will give you a fixed price for your jurney from Belgrade Airport to Kuklen or back, doesn't matter of traffic, flight delay (up to 1 hour) and any unforeseen situations.

You can find our actual prices for private taxi transfer between Belgrade Airport and Kuklen here:


If you need a taxi to pick you up from Belgrade Airport and take you to Kuklen or to another place, just trust us. At the agreed date and time, a qualified professional driver speaking English will wait for you with a plate with your name (at the airport, hotel, train station, bus station or address). He will take you safely to the hotel, the office or the address where you will stay.

Private Taxi transfers from Belgrade Airport to Kuklen or from Kuklen to Belgrade Airport. If necessary, we will send more taxi cars. We will organize everything for the transportation you need.

Our cars are in excellent condition, air-conditioned, new and pleasantly smelling. The taxi transportations we offer are only with secured professional drivers with extensive experience behind the wheel. You can rest assured that our company hires drivers after a complete examination of their professional and personal qualities.

Trust our professionalism and experience, and book your trip by taxi from Belgrade Airport to Kuklen or from Kuklen to Belgrade Airport with our company.



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