Taxi Transfer - Sofia - Asenovgrad

Book a Private Taxi Transfer from Sofia to Asenovgrad or from Asenovgrad to Sofia

Fast & Quality Taxi-Transfers Booking service!

You can fast & easy book a taxi transfer from Sofia Airport to Asenovgrad and from any address in Sofia to Asenovgrad!

Just trust our professionalism!

Price: For actual prices, CLICK HERE

Distance: 165 km

Time travel: 2 hours

Road: Highway and secondary route


If you need a taxi to meet you at Sofia Airport and take you to Asenovgrad or to another place, you can trust us. At the agreed date and time of arrival, a qualified professional driver speaking English will wait for you with a plate with your name. He will take you safely to the hotel, the office or the address where you will stay.

Pleasant trip!!!


Private Taxi Transfer Sofia to Asenovgrad Easy Booking system. Rent a car with driver


Just fill in your name and mobile number, and we will contact you as soon as possible!


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