From Stara Zagora to Plovdiv

Transfer as a service guarantees you fast, safe and comfortable movement between several points. Currently you have decided to travel between Stara Zagora and Plovdiv. TaxiBG will make sure that you take the distance between the two cities in the most convenient way.

It is very easy to make a reservation! Whether for yourself or for a group of people, in order to guarantee a transfer you only need to call the specified phones on the page (or if it is more convenient for you to send an email). Once the service is booked you will be taken within the agreed hour and day from your address, and then you will be left to the specified address in Plovdiv.

The distance between the two cities is about 100 km and mainly includes traffic along the Trakia / A1 highway. It takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes by car.

Your private trip will be wonderful and for sure you will book a TaxiBG driver for all your future trips. No matter if you are going on vacation or to do some work, the company can take care of any type of transport commitment and guarantee correctness.

On the TripAdvisor page you will find reviews left by people who have chosen to try our transfers.