How to get from Plovdiv to Sofia?

How to get from Plovdiv to Sofia?

We are all aware that there are intercity buses along the Plovdiv-Sofia line, there are also trains - direct or passing. Did you know, however, that these are not the only options when it comes to transport?

We are here to present you a third option. It is definitely gaining popularity and there is a reason! We'll tell you about ourselves - we are TaxiBG and here we will explain what we do as a company. Finally, we are sure that you will prefer us for every trip!

We offer transport services called "transfers". The transfers themselves are the following: you will be taken from a location of choice and left at an optional address. How simple and convenient, right? With just one call to make a reservation!

We guarantee that you will arrive quickly, safely and comfortably using our services.

Our company offers a variety of routes, fully tailored to your wishes as a customer. Trust TaxiBG for your trip from Plovdiv to Sofia, you will not be sorry!