How to get from Sofia to Plovdiv? / From Sofia to Plovdiv - How?

If you decide to make a trip outside Sofia and you have come to the idea of visiting Plovdiv - do not hesitate! We are here to offer you several ways to get from Sofia to Plovdiv if you do not have your own car. 

You can choose to travel:

# 1 By Bus

# 2 By train

# 3 WITH Taxi-bg

# 1 By Bus - Buses from Sofia to Plovdiv depart every hour from Sofia Central Bus Station (located at: 100, Princess Maria Louisa Blvd., 1202 Central, Sofia, Bulgaria).

The journey takes about 2 hours.

# 2 By Train - Trains to Plovdiv depart from Sofia Central Station (with address: 102 Maria Louisa Blvd.) There are several trains that will help you to reach your coveted destination -
Plovdiv Station.

The journey takes about 2 and a half hours.

# 3 With Taxi-bg - As a dessert, we left them last in this list. The company offer to you transfer services - you will be taken from the address in Sofia and left to an optional address in Plovdiv.

The journey takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Each one of these 90 minutes will be spent nicely so you can count it as a relaxing time for you.

By choosing taxi-bg, you automatically leave all your cares to them.

Do not hesitate and choose offer #3 if you want to have a fast, safe and comfortable trip.